Only Peer-Reviewed Papers are presented.
For technical reports, patents, and others, see the Google Scholar Page.
1. Kim, HJ, Song, S, & Yoon, TJ*, Open-ended coaxial probe technique for the dielectric characterization of propylene carbonate, dimethyl carbonate and their mixtures from 0.1 to 8 GHz at 288.15, 298.15, and 308.15 K, Clean Technology, Accepted.
2. Seo, S., Lee, H. S., & Yoon, TJ.* (2024). Kirkwood-Buff Analysis of Binary and Ternary Systems Consisting of Alcohols (Methanol, Ethanol, 1-Propanol, and 2-Propanol), Water, and n-Hexane to Understand the Formation of Surfactant-Free Microemulsions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 128(20), 5092-5108.
3. Ryu, JH, Yu, JW, Yoon, TJ*, & Lee, WB* (2024). Understanding the dielectric relaxation of liquid water using neural network potential and classical pairwise potential. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 397, 124054.
1. Yoon, TJ, Maerzke, KA, Currier, RP, & Findikoglu, AT (2023). PyOECP: A flexible open-source software library for estimating and modeling the complex permittivity based on the open-ended coaxial probe (OECP) technique. Computer Physics Communications, 282, 108517.
1. Maerzke, KA, Yoon, TJ, & Currier, RP (2022). Monte Carlo Simulation of NaCl–H2O Phase Equilibria: Comparison of Classical Force Fields. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. (Editor's Featured Article)
2. Yu, K, Ahn, KH, Song, CK, Aregay, MG, Yoon, TJ & Lee, YW (2022). Purification of synthetic diamond and graphite mixtures in catalytic supercritical water oxidation processes, Diamond and Related Materials 129 (2022), 109371.
3. Shin, SM, Lee, HS, Woo, HS, Aregay, MG, Yoon, TJ & Lee, YW (2022). Improvement of mechanical strength and water repellency of Hanji (traditional Korean paper) through acetylation in supercritical CO2, Journal of Supercritical Fluids 190 (2022), 105735. (Editor's Featured Article)
4. Yoon, TJ, Craddock, EP, Lewis, JC, Matteson, JA, Seong, JG, Singh, RP, Maerzke, KA, Currier, RP, & Findikoglu, AT (2022). Selective recovery of critical materials in zero-liquid discharge supercritical water desalination, Desalination, 537, 115849.
5. Sharan, P, Yoon, TJ, Thakkar, H, Currier, RP, Singh, R, & Findikoglu, AT (2022). Optimal design of multi-stage vacuum membrane distillation and integration with supercritical water desalination for improved zero liquid discharge desalination. Journal of Cleaner Production, 132189.
6. Sharan, P, Thengane, S. K., Yoon, TJ, Lewis, JC., Singh, R, Currier, RP, & Findikoglu, A. T. (2022). A novel approach for produced water treatment: Supercritical water oxidation and desalination. Desalination, 532, 115716.
7. Messerly, RA, Yoon, TJ, Jadrich, RB, Currier, RP, & Maerzke, KA (2022). Elucidating the temperature and density dependence of silver chloride hydration numbers in high-temperature water vapor: A first-principles molecular simulation study. Chemical Geology, 120766.
8. Yoon, TJ, Craddock, EP, Maerzke, KA, Currier, RP, & Findikoglu, AT (2022). Electrical Conductivities and Association Constants in Dilute Aqueous NdCl3 Solutions from 298 to 523 K along an Isobar of 25 MPa. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. (Journal Front Cover)
9. Yoon, TJ, Riglin, JD, Sharan, P., Currier, RP, Maerzke, KA, & Findikoglu, AT (2022). An in-situ conductometric apparatus for physicochemical characterization of solutions and in-line monitoring of separation processes at elevated temperatures and pressures. Measurement Science and Technology.
1. Sharan, P., Yoon, TJ, Jaffe, SM, Ju, T., Currier, RP, & Findikoglu, AT (2021). Can capacitive deionization outperform reverse osmosis for brackish water desalination?. Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 3, 100102.
2. Sharan, P., McTigue, JD, Yoon, TJ, Currier, R., & Findikoglu, AT (2021). Energy efficient supercritical water desalination using a high-temperature heat pump: A zero liquid discharge desalination. Desalination, 506, 115020.
3. Maerzke, KA, Yoon, TJ, Jadrich, RB, Leiding, JA, & Currier, RP (2021). First-Principles Simulations of CuCl in High-Temperature Water Vapor. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 125(18), 4794-4807.
4. Scheiner, B., & Yoon, TJ (2021). Calculation of self-diffusion coefficients in supercritical carbon dioxide using mean force kinetic theory. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 154(13), 134101.
5. Patel, LA, Yoon, TJ, Currier, RP, & Maerzke, KA (2021). NaCl aggregation in water at elevated temperatures and pressures: Comparison of classical force fields. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 154(6), 064503.
1. Yoon, TJ, Vigil, MJ, Raby, EY, Singh, RP, Maerzke, KA, Currier, RP, & Findikoglu, AT (2020). Dielectric relaxation of neodymium chloride in water and in methanol. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 308, 112981.
2. Yoon, TJ, Patel, LA, Ju, T, Vigil, MJ, Findikoglu, AT, Currier, RP, & Maerzke, KA (2020). Thermodynamics, dynamics, and structure of supercritical water at extreme conditions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(28), 16051-16062.